
The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.

Whether you are a business owner who needs to hire the right leaders to grow your company or you are ready to train up existing team members to fill leadership roles within your organization, there is no greater responsibility than equipping, nurturing and developing potential leaders.

This mastermind on “Developing the Leaders Around You” will help you map out a plan of action for recognizing the potential in your team so that you can grow them into leaders who develop other leaders.  

In this 1-day mastermind, we will discuss the following:

  • The Leader’s Key Question: Am I Raising Up Potential Leaders
  • The Leader’s Toughest Challenge: Creating a Climate for Potential Leaders
  • The Leader’s Primary Responsibility: Identifying Potential Leaders
  • The Leader’s Crucial Task: Nurturing Potential Leaders
  • The Leader’s Daily Requirement: Equipping Potential Leaders
  • The Leader’s Lifelong Commitment: Developing Potential Leaders
  • The Leader’s Highest Return: Forming a Dream Team of Leaders
  • The Leader’s Greatest Joy: Coaching a Dream Team of Leaders
  • The Leader’s Finest Hour: Realizing Value To and From Leaders
  • The Leader’s Lasting Contribution: Reproducing Generations of Leaders

Those who will complete the mastermind will get an e-certificate.

(Participants need to have a copy of the book. Get a copy from your local bookstore or via Kindle at or download a free audiobook through Audible trial at

This is a 1-day session good for 10 pax conducted at your office premises. Transportation and accommodation cost is not included if outside of Metro Manila.


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