My E-Commerce experience began in 1995 when I got my first speaking, writing, and consulting gig online.
In 1997, I formed the Philippine Internet Commerce Society and successfully lobbied for the passage of the Y2K Law and E-Commerce Law in 2000. I also put up my first online bookstore (ITCC) selling locally written books in 1997 but eventually stopped due to overseas delivery and online payment challenges.
In 1999, I put up an e-commerce resource blog site, This became my primary e-commerce platform in expressing my opinionated views and on numerous goal-oriented experiments including selling books, research reports, club membership, conference tickets, among others.
My e-commerce advocacy also got me involved in helping the government craft the Philippines E-Commerce Roadmap and participate in initiatives, projects, programs helping in its adoption.
I actively monitor and research e-commerce developments and improvements in the areas of internet access, e-government, e-banking, e-payment, tax system, consumer protection, logistics, infrastructure, innovation, investment, information flow, data privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual capital, and integration.
I include my findings in our e-commerce research debriefing, public speaking opportunities, and various training programs.
I create purposeful educational content to help meet the needs of professionals who would like to venture into e-commerce. Using it in business, for business, or as a business.
To keep myself updated, I am active in doing experiments and continuously study. Recently, I completed “Mastering Business Models” and “Mastering Value Propositions” from Strategyzer (where its founders are known for the books “Business Model Generation” and “Value Proposition Design“.
Today, I actively help Filipinos get into e-commerce through the following:

Watch E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Mentoring Program for MSMEs & Freelancers
A learning series conducted by Janette Toral – e-commerce advocate, digital influencer, digital leader.