
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership 4-Session Mastermind

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional

Leaders embrace change as the key to growth. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is your handbook for growing and developing yourself and others.

Everything rises and falls on leadership

Whether you are responsible for developing your company, others, or yourself, the more effective you are as a leader, the further you will go.

Four Session of learning, stretching and growing

Over the course of four sessions, we will touch on several of the laws and help you discover your leadership strengths and challenges.

Lead Others With Confidence

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership are lessons from John C. Maxwell, expert leadership teacher, consultant and author. Maxwell’s nearly 50 years of leadership experience has resulted in timeless laws of leadership such as:

  • The Laws of Solid: Trust is the foundation of leadership
  • The Law of Addition: Leaders add value by serving others.
  • The Law of the Picture: People do what people see.
  • And 18 Other Relevant Principles to Improve Your Impact and Influence!

Upon completion of this mastermind, participants will have a general understanding of the leadership values and principles explored in this study.


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