
What brings you success – head, heart, or wallet?

In the conduct of my face-to-face E-Commerce Boot Camp and Digital Influencer Boot Camp, one of the things I asked participants to work on is their business model canvas and personal business model canvas. However, the more I use it, I realized until a person focus on the things they are most passionate...

The Platinum Rule

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is known as the Golden Rule. I just learned of the new rule from Karl Albrecht's "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success", this is the Platinum Rule, that is an enhancement of the Golden Rule. It is "Do unto others...

Pursuing the spiritual path to happiness, tranquility, and success

Last year, saw a TED video about "we can all become Buddhas." The premise of Bob Thurman's talk is the pursuit of enlightenment in life, satisfaction in what we have, live happily, and be compassionate to others. That video struck my curiosity about the Dalai Lama. One thing I learned earlier...

Live, Love, Risk, Hurt, & Learn

Yesterday morning, I allotted time while at the beach to finish Leo Buscaglia's Living, Loving, and Learning. It is a great complement to Personhood despite the overlap in numerous parts. Here are some of the interesting insights and reflections thought of based from the book. Finding happiness in ourselves (My happiness is me, not...

It’s not easy being green – What Color is Your Brain?

I just took the brain color quiz and have the following score at this time: a (yellow) = 24 b (blue) = 20 c (green) = 39 d (orange) = 37   (click on image above to see what your brain is like) I'm more of a green/orange brain kind of person. According to Sheila N. Glazov, author of the...

How do you want to be remembered?

As the Honorable Raul Roco passed away, it made me thought of the legacy this great person has left behind to our country. In studying the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey gave us the challenge to think about, "how do we want to be remembered?" He has done a lot of...

Gadgets and Status Symbol

I guess it is inevitable that if you are to establish yourself as a public speaker or a visible online personality, the gadgets you use can influence people's perspective on you, whether you are successful or not, whether you are credible or not. Through the years, this is something that I...

Execution is key to achievement of goals and objectives

One of the challenges given by the 8th Habit is being able to share the lessons learned from Stephen Covey with the intent of enlightening others in the process. I started with this last 2005 and have done a series of blog post at that time. One of the lessons learned I shared then...

Embracing your Uniqueness

For the past two weeks, I find myself in a situation sharing my point of view about the Cybercrime Law and online taxation. The cybercrime topic was tough as I hardly knew or heard of a private sector publicly that shares the same point of view I have. By focusing...