Leadership Transformation Through Coaching

If you aspire to achieve greater growth for yourself, your team, and your organization, you will need to have a growth plan and have an accountability partner helping you in the process. 

Someone to talk to on a regular basis to help process the ideas and thoughts you have in mind. Someone who will not judge you. Someone who will keep everything you say in private and treated as confidential.

Someone who will not pound you with their opinions. Help you discover and bring out clarity in your thinking. Improvement takes place with sensory evidence as noted by yourself and peers benefiting from your personal growth.

I coach business owners, managers, and professionals focused on improving themselves. My Coaching Process goes through these steps:

Step 1

Participant is asked to take an assessment. This serves as a baseline on what you are now and select improvement areas from there. Depending on what you intend to improve, the corresponding assessment will be facilitated.

Step 2

I will debrief you on the assessment results and discuss examples, past situations leading to these observations. When there is trust, a participant is expressive in sharing what they think and feel.

Step 3

You will share reflections based on the report. Discuss your chosen improvement and optimistic action plans. 

Step 4

Follow-up sessions (twice a month or monthly) take place discussing your chosen topic. This takes at least 1 hour per session. Participants who become comfortable in the process express themselves in a warm and social manner.

Maxwell Leadership Assessment

This assessment provides a 360-degree in-depth view of an individual’s influence, based on Maxwell’s Five Levels of Leadership methodology. It is designed to assess the individual leader according to 64 important factors along with a self-assessment and anonymous feedback from supervisors, colleagues, direct reports, and others. Through this comprehensive 360-degree assessment, leaders accurately identify both their areas of strength and their opportunities for growth. This self-knowledge and team knowledge results in better teamwork, increased confidence, and more targeted leadership development.

Global Leadership Assessment 360

This is a 360 leadership assessment rooted in groundbreaking research conducted by Marshall Goldsmith involving CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, global thought leaders, and international business executives of organizations on 6 continents. It articulates and measures the top 15 most pressing competencies for today’s global leader.  It shows leaders the areas they need to develop in order to succeed in a competitive business environment. 

The assessment benchmarks your current leadership lid on 15 global competencies area. The results are used to identify recognized and hidden strengths and improvement areas you can work on.

DISC Personality Profile Assessment

This is an assessment that will help you discover your style of communication and ways to maximize it. What makes this assessment different from others is that it gives 3 different graphs (mask, core, mirror) reflecting how you are expected to behave, respond to pressure, and your typical behavior.

As Executive Director with The John Maxwell Team, I can also offer the Maxwell Method of Impact assessment including:

Sales Leadership Impact Report

Discover your selling style, customer’s buying style, and engaging your sales people.

Growth Impact Report

Discover how you influence, your communication style, team role preference, and ideals at work.

College and Career Impact Report

Discover your values style – ideals and hidden motivators. Learn about your perceptual learning style and how you best absorb information.

Communication Impact Report

Discover your style of communication in the workplace and ways to maximize it. Learn how to respond to other communication styles.

Sales Impact Report

Discover your selling style and ways to maximize it. Understand your sales strength and limitations. It will give pointers on how to identify your customer’s motivating factors and tap into it.

Fascination Advantage® Assessment Report

This is a personality profiling tool taken by people who would like to improve their branding. It focuses on how the world sees you. And in the process, learn how you can best describe yourself and stand out from others. Focus on action steps that will help you succeed in communicating your difference.

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The Maxwell Method of Coaching

“Good leadership isn’t about advancing yourself. It is about advancing your team.” – John C. Maxwell

I conduct trainings to help develop coaching skills of executives, managers, team leaders, and entrepreneurs.

Coaching is the art of influence that underpins leadership in the 21st century. If you cannot coach, you cannot lead. As you are working with people on your team, you will find that every one of them is different. As their leader, your ability to coach will help bring each person’s individual skills, personalities and styles together so that you are all working as one unit. Learning to coach individuals to success is essential for every leader. The more successful the individual, the more successful the team and the organization.

Using the Maxwell Method of Coaching, a proven model for effectively coaching others to improve their results, I can facilitate the following programs for you and/or your team.

Coaching for Managers, Leaders, & Business Owners

Lead Others to Success Through Coaching. Discover powerful skills to dramatically improve your ability to influence those you lead to greater results in their business and personal lives. This workshop will equip you with both the knowledge and the skills to:

  • Learn the skill of coaching to build better relationships with those you lead.
  • Coach others to success – rather than tell them what to do.
  • Impower others to sharpen their ability to solve problems and achieve results.

Upon completion of this training, participants will receive a certificate.

Coaching for Leaders Skills Transition

Coaching is fundamental to your success as a leader, employer, director or manager. This program will help you tap into your natural coaching abilities so you can help others live and work to their full potential. This interactive six-week program covers:

  • Coaching Skills for Managers and Leaders
  • Curiosity and the Power of Coaching Questions
  • How to Instantly Build Rapport and Connect
  • Being Present and Intentional Listening
  • Observation, Demonstration and Participation in a Live Coaching Experience

360-Degree Coaching Experience

Through observational learning and practical application, you will experience coaching from the perspective of every participant in the coaching conversation.

Learn the Proven Coaching Model that Works

Coaching is not telling or teaching. You will discover how to use a proven coaching model to help your clients, staff or team create their own results.

Interactive Sessions and Live Participation

To help you get the most from the workshop, two sessions are set aside so participants can take turns being the coach, the client and the observer.

Upon completion of this training, participants will receive a certificate.