Social Intelligence

Toxic behaviors: Social halitosis, flatulence, and dandruff

After reading the 33 Strategies of War and the Art of Seduction, I now find time to read this book which has been in my plastic full of books for quite sometime now, Karl Albrecht's "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success." I just finished chapter 1 and here I am blogging about it. Social halitosis According to...

Nourishing persons in our lives

I just finished reading Karl Albrecht's "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success" a few days ago. It is one of the best books I've read this year and made me cautious on how I communicate with people. One of the tasks that Karl Albrecht asked readers to ponder on the...

Learn to write and speak in E-Prime

One thing I learned from Karl Albrecht's "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Success" is the need to learn the language of sanity, E-Prime. This means avoiding the use of the following words as much as possible as they lead to mental rigidity, dogmatism, stereotyping. all "to-be" forms and combinations am are and...

Downside of Charisma

In Good to Great, Jim Collins cited that most Level 5 heads lead with questions, rather than answers. They admit what they don't know and engage themselves with their right people in rigorous debates. At the end of it, what is agreed upon gets fully supported by the people in the...

Dealing with Pride and Humility: 10 Commandments of Common Sense

When religion and the Church gets too involved with politics and have views I disagree with, my faith with the establishment got affected. From thereon, I have decided to pursue my spiritual faith on my own with guidance from authors on topics I resonate with. The most recent one is Tenzin Gyatso. While...