Breaking Through Your Fears

Focusing on social objects for success

Hugh Macleod made an interesting post today on "social objects for beginners". He referred to social objects as the reason why people talk to each other. Learning and reflecting about it made me realize that social objects have played an important role in my growth. Here are some social objects that got...

Creative Thinking is a skill, not just talent

Edward de Bono is certainly one of my favorite book authors and had greatly influenced my thinking process. Still, it is amazing that there is so much that we can learn to enhance the way we think. I'm currently readingHow to Have Creative Ideas: 62 exercises to develop the mind and Edward De...

Change Maker – 7 Tools for Transformation

One of the best books I have read from Tony Buzan is Embracing Change. It is a great book for those who wants to transform themselves from being a victim of circumstance or change thinker to a change maker. For those who are already a change maker, the tools and insights shared...