My leadership skill got fully developed when I co-founded and became head of the Philippine Internet Commerce Society from 1997 to 2002. It is where I discovered my purpose in life which is to enable people, especially those from rural areas from it – recognizing e-commerce as a great equalizer.
The leadership skills I developed then became helpful in my other endeavors. These life lessons are:
Leadership Programs
“Everything rises and falls on LEADERSHIP.” – John C. Maxwell
To rise as a leader requires continuous investment in developing yourself. Do the same to others to build momentum towards what you want to achieve.
In 2014, I embarked on my first Digital Leaders Boot Camp putting into a class format most of the things I learned about leadership and documented in my blog. But I did not feel comfortable using other people’s content and learnings as my own, hence I decided to become John Maxwell Team Member.

My leadership principles are greatly influenced by John Maxwell. I consider them to be stable and dependable.
His teachings are familiar and helped many to survive tough times including failures, dealing with people, and improve the way you think.
I am sure that using John Maxwell’s teaching as a mastermind will be comforting and give predictable assurance that a leader, regardless of age, will experience personal growth if they follow the process.
As Independent Executive Director with the John Maxwell Team, I can provide you with the following leadership mastermind and programs.

Learn what it really means to be a leader.
The true measure of leadership is influence. Through this mastermind experience, you will learn how to improve your influence with others and lead them with confidence. You will also understand how to use your influence with others to help them accomplish their goals which in turn will help you achieve yours.
Upon completion of this training, participants will receive a certificate.
You can join this program as a one-on-one online mastermind with Janette Toral that can be taken in 4 sessions or 10 sessions. Two laws are discussed in each session.
Live (and Lead) With Purpose!
Based on John C. Maxwell’s book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, this workshop will provide you with practical tools you need to address the leadership challenges you encounter daily within your profession.
Upon completion of this training, participants will receive a certificate.
This can be a 2-day training for companies. Individuals can take it one-on-one as a 6-sessions online mastermind.
Learn and Grow Through The Power of Connecting with Like-Minded Leaders and Achievers
Masterminds Programs
There is synergy of energy, commitment and excitement that participants bring to a mastermind group. My facilitated groups offer a combination of masterminding, peer brainstorming, education, accountability and support in a group setting to sharpen your business and personal skills. By bringing fresh ideas and a different perspective, my masterminds can help you achieve success.

As Independent Executive Director with the John Maxwell Team, I can provide you with the following masterminds programs.