In my speaking engagements and e-commerce workshops in the provinces, I meet a lot of young people. As much as the Internet has empowered them with resources, it also exposed them to various risks online and offline from bullying, failure, anxiety, meeting expectations, the pressure to succeed, bad influence, among others.
In my earlier years online, I organized the Philippines School Cyberfair Competition encouraging the creation of websites by elementary and high school students that represent their local community on various categories. I got an ambassador award twice (2002 and 2004) for it as all entries then competed in the International Schools Cyberfair.
As a John Maxwell Team member, I decided to embark on youth development programs to help strengthen their attitude and mindset. I believe youth development programs should be:
- Forward-thinking in design preparing the youth for the opportunities and challenges ahead.
- Give them the necessary leadership foundation that can be useful in their entrepreneurial pursuits.
- Bold in tackling sensitive issues and in dealing with negative experiences.
- Utilize coaching methodology to encourage the youth to become visionary and surprising as they manifest their dreams and aspirations.

I can be invited by schools and youth organizations to conduct the following programs.

I. YouthMAX Plus with Nick Vujicic

YouthMAX Plus with Nick Vujicic inspires and equips young people to value themselves and others, by developing and maintaining a positive self-image, showing compassion to others, persevering in the midst of adversity, and creating a daily routine of successful attitudes and behavior.
The YouthMAX Plus activities are designed to reinforce learning outcomes and help students develop the skills necessary to build strong relationships and add value to others. Participants will hear youth leadership development messages from John Maxwell Team YouthMAX Ambassador, Nick Vujicic. These messages include:
- 3 Important Letters – Y.O.U.
- Your True Strength
- The Kind Connection
- Failure Is Important to Success
- 5 Steps of Success
Through engaging and interactive sessions facilitated by me (as YouthMax Plus Certified Facilitator), the youth of various ages will learn how self-leadership allows them to be a positive influence with their family, teachers, and peers.

II. Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn For Teens
“Everything rises and falls on LEADERSHIP.” – John C. Maxwell
Develop the qualities below and practicing them in your own life, you can learn to move forward from mistakes and use what you learn to grow and succeed:
- Humility: The Spirit of Learning
- Reality: The Foundation of Learning
- Responsibility: The First Step of Learning
- Improvement: The Focus of Learning
- Hope: The Motivation for Learning
- Teachability: The Pathway of Learning
- Adversity: The Catalyst for Learning
- Problems: Opportunities for Learning
- Bad Experiences: The Perspective for Learning
- Change: The Price of Learning
- Maturity: The Value of Learning
Maxwell’s lessons on learning from failure extend to all generations. Available as a group study or seminar, this resource is designed to give youth a healthy perspective of failure and empower them to learn from their experiences.
III. The John Maxwell Team Leadership Game for Teens
“Everything rises and falls on LEADERSHIP.” – John C. Maxwell
Have you noticed how much teenagers lead on a daily basis? Whether they are navigating their way through middle and high school, joining student organizations or sports, organizing social activities, or negotiating with their parents for a later curfew, when it comes to being a teenager, leadership is a matter of life.
The challenge for teens is they don’t always get to express their natural leadership abilities and those that do, don’t always have good examples to follow so they can grow and develop.
The Leadership Game for Teens is a fun, yet challenging experience for aspiring leaders. Designed to help teens better understand core leadership principles and values in a fun and engaging setting.
Young people will discover what it means to be a leader, how to have better relationships with their family, teachers, friends, and others, and how to recognize opportunities to add value to people.
The John Maxwell Team Leadership Game for Teens: The Leadership Game is a great way to bring teenagers around the table to discover their potential for leadership as well as their ability to have trust and accountability with others. Everyone has the potential to be a great leader. This game will help youth tap into their desire and potential to lead. The Leadership Game is designed to be played with 6-12 youth.

IV. Global Youth Initiative
“Help equip the youth to take responsibility and be a hero by righting a wrong” – The John Maxwell Team
Held every April and October, I go around various schools with students 8-18 years to conduct a FREE Global Youth Initiative advocacy.
Today’s youth face many challenges – struggles with confidence, fear of failure, and bullying. As parents, teachers, and leaders, we can do something about it! Schools and their youth are invited to participate in a world-changing youth movement that will empower our kids to be the change they wish to see in the world!
Contact me at 09174490011 should you to collaborate on this initiative.

Topics that can be tackled includes:
Let Us Collaborate!
Schools, organizations, advocacy groups, and government agencies interested to partner on any of the above programs are encouraged to get in touch with me at 09174490011.