In the age of social media, establishing quality relationship and meet new folks became both easier and a bit complicated. Although most of us can connect to each other with social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, but doesn’t mean that I already earned another person’s friendship (and vice-versa).
In the field I’m in, establishing quality relationship is important. That is why I enjoyed Tim Sanders’ earlier book, “Love is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends“. I learned one must strive to be a great source of information and share them as the opportunity or need arises to a pool of contacts that are important to you.
Another book that Tim authored is “The Likeability Factor: How to Boost your L-Factor & Achieve Your Life’s Dreams.” This is where I realized that friendliness is a communication event. It is not you – who will say that you are friendly, but the people around you instead.
Becoming likeable requires working on the following four areas:
Of course, the above four aspects are mentioned in a brief manner here. Tim’s book contains step-by-step guide on how each one can be worked on. Tim believes that likeable people have the capability to:
Two thumbs-up for another simple and yet great Tim Sanders book.
1. Think about your closest friends, what makes them likeable?
2. What areas do you need to improve to boost your likeability?