Learn in every trial

TEFCAS - Digotal Leaders

In my desire to have a brilliant memory, I learned from Tony Buzan that the brain operates synergetically; it grows through repetition; and is a success mechanism. Otherwise, we would not survive and achieve all the little accomplishments we have in our lives.

(click on the mind map image for a bigger view)

One tool discussed often in Tony Buzan books, in addition to mind map techniques, is TEFCAS (one of Buzan’s 7 tools for transformation). Its value is incorporating failure and feedback as important components for achieving success. Here is what the acronym stands for:

T – Trial
Try something new, different system, or procedure. The phrase, “you’ll never know until you try” very much applies here. It is about the willingness to take the risk. Every time we try brings us closer to our goal.

The success we have seen of others also stems from past experience and some of them are the result of failure.

In every trial, ideally, we should get better. If not, at least, we can learn each time.

“Launch a mobile application version (IOS, Android, BlackBerry) for the broadsheet by March 24.”

E – Event
Every time we try, an event occurs. These are various activities such as an interview, examination, work submission, among others.

“Get at least 10 students to sign-up for the Blog and Social Media Entrepreneur Program.”

F – Feedback
Find out how did you do and areas you can improve on.

At times, some may just stop here and give up. Those who do have verbal responses to failure includes I quit, give up, can’t, among other negative reactions. These expressions affect the mind’s thinking system. More destructive are powerful emotions liked disgraced, undignified, diminished, shameful, disillusioned, debilitated, discouraged, and demotivated.

Whenever we have these, it sucks the will from us to improve or give the situation another chance or try. It creates fear of failure unless we change our attitude.

However, if you see failure as a learning process, then you know that you just have to keep getting better and do better.

“Less than 50% from those who signed-up joined the webinar last night. We should do an SMS follow-up reminder – in addition to e-mail.”

C -Check
Assess if you are still on track with your success goals. Assess as well the feedback that you got and see which you can use to improve.

“Target goal of 100 subscribers is still not met to date. Some of the interested parties find the price a bit steep. How can I further improve?”

A – Adjust
Incorporate feedback and put your agenda back on track.

“Add an installment payment scheme in our learning programs. Roll it out for the next module. Advise all previous parties who inquired. Target 100 student sign-ups for 2012.”

S – Success
Enjoy success after success after success.

“We have a growing number of successful graduates who are visible online with their social media project achievements. Get them involved in the program as mentors too and strive for a mutually rewarding collaboration.”

Learn more about TEFCAS at the Ultimate Book of Mind Maps and Embracing Change.